Transportation - Student Services - McDonogh School-澳门新葡京博彩


McDonogh’s bus service, with stops in Baltimore City and Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, and Howard counties, is included in tuition. While students are not required to ride the bus, many value it as a time to socialize and relax. Prekindergartners as well as new kindergartners, prefirst, and first grade students are paired with a carefully selected older “bus buddy” to help them adjust to riding the bus.

Our licensed, trained, and experienced bus drivers are school employees and are held to the same high standards as our faculty. The drivers are an integral part of the McDonogh community and truly enjoy getting to know the students in their care. With over 130 bus stops, our fleet of 20 McDonogh-owned buses is maintained by our skilled mechanics through a preventive maintenance program, and each bus receives three state-required inspections a year. For more information, please contact the Transportation Office at 443-544-7091.